I will fully admit that I should have started this a while ago... now I have a lot of recapping to do! Here it goes:
This what started it all: I'm pretty sure that after three tests (June 10th), we knew! :)
We spent two weeks with Ben's parents in Europe in June and July. It was a great trip, although I wasn't feeling 100%. During the first few weeks, I only got 'sick' a handful of times. It was more food aversions - I still can't stomach the thought, smell, or look of chicken. For those of you who know me well, that's a very strange thing.
In July, we went up to Connecticut/NY/Boston in July for my grandma's birthday,
and to see our family and friends that we hadn't seen since we moved down south.
My grandmother was VERY excited to tell everyone that she was going to be a GREAT grandmother.
Other summer 2010 events included: buying a new camera (yay!) and trading in Ben's car for a CR-V. Stella has been our test subject for the camera, but we're going to be using it a lot more in the months to come!
We found out on September 7th that our little munchkin is a boy. (Although I already knew it) He was certainly not shy about showing us his ::ahem:: boy-ness. He did a full split for us. Thank you!
'Aunt' Meredith came down from DC to help us paint the little guy's room one weekend in October. We bought a bedding set from Target and wanted to paint the walls to match. It took a few hours, LOTS of painting tape, and some steady hands, but we love how it came out.
We also went back up North for Thanksgiving. We took the train, because I was too far along to get the "okay" to fly. The sleeper train up wasn't bad, and we both got a lot of work done on the train. The family had a nice shower for us on Saturday, and we really enjoyed seeing so many of our friends and family. (Thanks Mom and Mike!)
While in CT, we also participated in the Canning family tradition of decorating Gingerbread houses. Last year, we made Stella's doggy house, and the year before a couple standing outside getting married. This year? BOY!
I think that's a very brief run-down of what we've been up to since June.
Off to nest some more :)
Happy Holidays!