
Follow us on our journey through the last few months of pregnancy and our first days with our baby boy (due 2/15/11)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Where does the time go....

Oliver is 5 weeks on Wednesday... as in two days from now. People always told me that it would go by quickly, I just didn't imagine it would fly by like this. Pretty soon I'll be registering him for Kindergarten, then teaching him how to drive....

We went into school today [Mommy had to write report cards - yippee!] and Oliver slept like a champ, until he decided to pass gas in front of our principal (oops!).

We have two adorable "Cuter than the dog" shirts, one seen below (the other is 6 months), and we're pretty glad that Stella can't read. Although she has been sleeping upstairs since he wore it the other day.... hmm....

Although the photo below is not the most flattering picture of my child (I'll admit it), I thought it was pretty cool that I caught him mid-head-up. Ollie is concentrating VERY hard in this one! He's been getting pretty good at holding his head, especially when I'm burping him - until he seems to head butt me!

Finally, I go in for my check-up on Friday (April Fool's Day, yes, I know...) and I'm hoping to get the all-clear to return to exercising. It's been a long few weeks, and I can't wait to go for a jog (not run, don't worry!) with little man in the stroller. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. You're the sweetest. The comment you left made me teary, I love you! And YOU have the most adorable baby on the planet!! He is amazing, I can't wait to meet him!! Oh, and I need you to send me your address because ever since our Xmas card to you got sent back to us, I'm paranoid that I don't have the right one. Love you guys!
